

A Guide to Japanese Swords And History

Time for a lesson on Japanese swords. Learn about their types, the parts of a sword, and their rich history to deepen your connection with Japan and understand the significance of this valuable part of Japanese culture.

Evolution of Anime: A look Back at the History of Japanese Animation

Ah, Anime. One of Japan's most incredible contributions to the world, right next to instant noodles. Time to learn about how this incredible entertainment came to be!
Cultural tips

10 Interesting Japanese Superstitions

Immerse yourself in the world of Japan's superstitions, deeply ingrained in its rich cultural tapestry. From seemingly whimsical notions to rooted beliefs, these superstitions offer a glimpse into Japan's heritage.
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12 Important Japanese Historical Figures

Japan has a long history with so many notable people. Here are 12 people from ancient times to today that are significant in Japan and beyond!

A Guide to Japanese Mythology

Have you ever heard Japanese Mythology? Japan is called a county with thousands of deities and if you read this article, you will find an interesting aspect of Japan!

Kofun: Japan’s Ancient Tombs

Japan's ancient burial mounds, known as kofun, are a fascinating piece of Japanese history teaching us about the culture and people of the past

10 Japanese Inventions that Changed the Way We Live

Japan is a hub for innovation and creation! Here are some of the most famous inventions that have come from Japan and changed the way we live!

What is Wabi-Sabi?

Learn about wabi-sabi, the fascinating concept of fleeting beauty and appreciation of the imperfect behind the Japanese perception of aesthetics.

History of Japan: The Jomon Period (13,000–300 BC)

Who were the first inhabitants of Japan, where did they come from, and where did they go? Welcome to the world of the Jomon period!

Place Names In Japan: What Do They Mean? 

You probably know some famous place names in Japan like Tokyo and Kyoto right? But do you know what they actually mean? Find out more here!
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