Cultural tips

Cultural tips

What is Oshikatsu? How to do Oshikatsu in Japan

"Oshikatsu" is an otaku subculture, it refers to supporting your favorite characters in creative ways, whether it's the protagonist of your go-to anime or a beloved idol, "oshikatsu embraces all forms of devotion.
Cultural tips

15 Popular Japanese Clothing Stores

In this article, we introduce types and trends of Japanese fashion and the most popular clothing stores you can visit in Japan!
Cultural tips

10 Best Apps to Have in Japan

Best phone apps to aid in your travel throughout japan with communication, travel plans, and more.
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Cultural tips

10 Ways To Say Sorry in Japanese

Different way to express apologies in Japanese and the cultural differences between them.
Cultural tips

10 Interesting Japanese Superstitions

Immerse yourself in the world of Japan's superstitions, deeply ingrained in its rich cultural tapestry. From seemingly whimsical notions to rooted beliefs, these superstitions offer a glimpse into Japan's heritage.
Cultural tips

A Guide to Japanese Denim

Looking for that perfect pair of Jeans? If you havent considered Japanese denim, then youll never find it! check out this incredible info on Japanese denim!
Cultural tips

12 Netflix Shows to Watch Before Coming to Japan

While you're planning your trip to Japan, don't forget to download entertainment for the flight. Watch these 12 must-see shows before coming to Japan, and maybe you'll learn a little Japanese too!
Cultural tips

10 Traditional Gifts You Can Buy in Japan

Looking for some unique, traditional gifts to get while you're in Japan? Well, find something cool for yourself or say "I wish you were there" with one of these great options!
Cultural tips

How to Start a Conversation in Japanese

Are you having a hard time thinking of how to best speak to people in Japan? We have the best ways on how to start a conversation in Japanese for you!
Cultural tips

Legal Ages in Japan

How old do you have to be in Japan to drink? What about to drive? Voting? Let's learn about the various legal ages in Japan!
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