

10 Of The Largest and Most Popular Japanese Companies

Japanese companies have had a huge impact on and brought amazing innovative products to the world. Here are 10 of the largest and most popular Japanese companies!
Places to visit in Japan

Best Tourist Spots in Kurashiki

Kurashiki is a beautiful town in Okayama prefecture that is famous for having an Edo period atmosphere. Check out some of the best tourist spots in Kurashiki!

A Guide to Japanese Knives and Why They Are the Best

You may have heard about the world famous Japanese knives. But what makes them so amazing? Here is our guide to Japanese knives and why they are so exceptional.
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10 Common Japanese Surnames

There are a lot of different surnames in Japan, and a lot of them sound pretty similar. Let's learn more about where common Japanese surnames came from and what they mean!
Travel tips

10 Books to Read Before Coming to Japan

This article talks about 10 of the best books to read before taking a trip to Japan. From culture to history to language, we have you covered with useful books.

Everything you need to know about Coming of Age Day in Japan

There are many national holidays throughout the year in Japan but this one is very important for those transitioning from adolescent to adult. Find out more about this traditional holiday and how this important time is celebrated!
Places to visit in Tokyo

Tokyo Imperial Palace: All You Need to Know

As a popular and historic tourist attraction in Tokyo, Imperial Palace is visited by numerous visitors all year round. The current Imperial Palace is built on the former Edo Castle grounds and is surrounded by a moat and large stone walls. It contains several buildings, including some residences for the Imperial Family. It will be impossible to visit these parts of the park-like area, but there are many ways to enjoy the palace buildings and parts of the grounds.

History of Japan: Showa Period (1926-1989)

The Showa Period is a relatively long period of time in the Japanese history marked by the events of the WOII and Japan's internationalisation. Read more about the eventful time in the Japanese history and where you can experience reminders of the 60 years of time.

What is a Geisha? History of Geisha and Where they are Today

The distinct white makeup, elegant kimonos, and elaborate hairstyles- Geisha are iconic to the image of Japan's heritage But what are geisha and where are they today? Read along and we’ll talk about the origins of geisha and where they can be found today today.

Modern History of Japan: From Late 19th Century to Present Day

What happened in the modern history of Japan? Here is a brief overview of Japanese history from the late Edo period to the present day.
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