

Best Things to do in Kanagawa

Kanagawa prefecture has popular tourist attractions such as Yokohama, Kamakura, Hakone, Yokosuka etc, we introduce the best things to do in Kanagawa!

Best Places to Visit in Chiba

Chiba prefecture is located just east of Tokyo and the number one most-visited for tourists is... Narita International Airport! A large part of the prefecture is made up of the Boso Peninsula, which offers popular tourists’ destinations especially for people from Kanto region. Chiba features one of the longest beaches in Japan (60 km!), a large aquarium, historical sites, one of the most important temples in the country, the most visited theme parks in Japan, and much more. Here are our recommended places to visit in Chiba.

13 Best Places to Visit in Ibaraki

Ibaraki prefecture is less than an hour away from Tokyo, and has great spots to enjoy nature and historical sites. Here are the best places to visit in Ibaraki.
Day trips from Tokyo

Hakone Day Trip – Perfect Access & Area Guide

Hakone is known for its attractive sightseeing spots, and is popular by many tourists from abroad. Being a very easy acc...

The Must See Shrines & Temples in Kanto Region

Are you interested in shrines and temples? One of the purposes to come to Japan is probably to visit these religious bui...
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