
Food & Drinks in Tokyo

Michelin-Starred Ramen Restaurants in Tokyo

Did you know that the only ramen restaurants to receive a Michelin star, are all located in Tokyo? In this article, we introduce the 3 restaurants that have received this prestigious ranking! Even though it is Michelin starred ramen, the price is only about 1,000 yen! Let's go try some!
Food & Drinks in Kyoto

10 Best Sushi Restaurants in Kyoto

Kyoto is one of the best cities in Japan to hunt for the high-quality and authentic Sushi dishes. From Michelin Star restaurants to 100 yen budget Sushi, we have listed the best Sushi in Kyoto!
Food & Drinks in Kyoto

10 Best Restaurants in Pontocho Alley Kyoto

Pontocho Alley is the unique and traditional area where locals would go eat and drink. It is also known for a home to Geisha. In this article we will introduce 10 best restaurants you can get local experience in Pontocho!
Food & Drinks in Tokyo

The Best Tempura Restaurants in Tokyo

Tempura is one of the most popular Japanese foods both internationally and domestically. You can enjoy Tempura with rice...
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