Travel tips

10 Best Places to Study Abroad in Japan

There are so many options when it comes to studying abroad in Japan that sometimes it can be hard to decide. Here are 10 great places we recommend for your study abroad experience.
Places to visit in Tokyo

Akihabara: 10 Best Things to Do in Otaku Heaven

Akihabara, known as electronic town or otaku no machi (geek town), is a great place to experience the Japanese pop culture, manga and anima at once. The many shops and gaming arcades will give you a great insight in the crazy kawaii culture! In this article we will give our best places to visit in Akihabara!
Itinerary in Tokyo

Tsukiji Fish Market: The Complete Guide

Tsukiji Fish Market is one of the biggest fish markets in Japan. In this article, we introduce how to best enjoy Tsukiji in one day!
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