Places to visit in Japan


Best Things to do in Kanagawa

Kanagawa prefecture has popular tourist attractions such as Yokohama, Kamakura, Hakone, Yokosuka etc, we introduce the best things to do in Kanagawa!

Best Places to Visit in Chiba

Chiba prefecture is located just east of Tokyo and the number one most-visited for tourists is... Narita International Airport! A large part of the prefecture is made up of the Boso Peninsula, which offers popular tourists’ destinations especially for people from Kanto region. Chiba features one of the longest beaches in Japan (60 km!), a large aquarium, historical sites, one of the most important temples in the country, the most visited theme parks in Japan, and much more. Here are our recommended places to visit in Chiba.

13 Best Places to Visit in Ibaraki

Ibaraki prefecture is less than an hour away from Tokyo, and has great spots to enjoy nature and historical sites. Here are the best places to visit in Ibaraki.
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Best Places to Visit in Kyushu – Complete Guide to Kyushu!

Here is the complete guide to Kyushu region in Japan to help you start planning your next Japan trip. The best places to visit and things to do per area in Kyushu includes everything you should know visit before you go!

Best Places to Visit in The Tohoku Region – Complete Guide to Tohoku!

Complete guide to Tohoku region in Japan! Here we introduce the best things to do per area to make it easier to plan your next trip in Japan!

Best Places to Visit in Saga

Here we listed the best things to do and places to visit in Saga prefecture, Kyushu region in Japan! Onsen hot springs, parks, shrine and more!

Best Places To Visit in Kagoshima

Kagoshima prefecture is located in the southernmost part of Kyushu. In Kagoshima you can find invigorating nature, unique hot springs, fresh seafood and amazing local cuisine. Some typical areas to visit include the Kirishima area where you’ll find the Kirishima mountain mange and hot springs, and the Ibusuki area known for its natural sand bath. Take either a ferry or plane from the mainland Kagoshima and you’ll also be able to access remote islands such as Yakushima and Amami Oshima. Here are our top picks in the area!

Best Places to Visit in Kumamoto

Beautiful Aso area, Kurokawa Onsen hot springs and Amakusa islands where you can meet the wild dolphins and remains of the history of being hideouts for Christians in the past etc., here we introduce the best places to visit in Kumamoto prefecture in Kyushu region.

The Best Places to Visit in Akita

Akita has many interesting attractions to offer. Beautiful nature and onsen hot springs, unique cultural thing called Namahage and local meals Kiritampo etc., here we listed things to do and places to visit in Akita!

Best Places To Visit In Aomori

Aomori is a prefecture in the Tohoku Region, about 700 kilometers north of Tokyo. It is the northernmost region facing Hokkaido across the sea with heavy snowfall every winter. The nature in the tip of Honshu island is of exceptional beauty with mountains, onsen, lakes and beaches. The capital city carries the same name, like many other prefectural capital cities, and is home to the famous Nebuta Festival, one of the best festivals in Tohoku and all of Japan. Although it is not necessarily listed among the most popular travel destinations in Japan, it offers enjoyable experiences for visitors! In this article, we will introduce some of the must visit places in Aomori prefecture!
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