

Pilgrimage in Tokyo: Visit The 10 Tokyo Jissha!

Tokyo Jissha refers to ten shrines in Tokyo metropolitan area. They belong to the 12 shrines that we were selected by the emperor after the Meiji restoration to bring about property and continued growth of the capital city. In this article we will introduce the 10 shrines!
Travel tips

When is The Best Time to Travel to Japan?

The good news is that Japan is all all year round destination. However, this makes it difficult to decide when to visit, as each of Japan’s seasons has its own special highlights! In this article we will discuss the pro's and con's of each season so you can decide for yourself when to come!
Places to visit in Tokyo

The Best 5 Backstreets to Explore in Tokyo

In this article, we would like to introduce the best 5 nostalgic neighborhood locations. If you want to experience the local life and enjoy the nostalgic warm feelings, these areas are totally recommended to visit while your stay in Tokyo!
To do in Tokyo

30 Indoor Activities on Rainy Days in Tokyo

You travelled to Tokyo, outside of the rain season, but lucky you.. It is raining! Here is what you can do to enjoy your time when it rains in Tokyo!

Hatsumode: New Year’s Tradition in Japan

During the first few days of the new year many Japanese do Hatsumode, a visit to the shrine or temple to express thanks for the last year and wish for a new good year. During Hatsumode many shrines will be crowded with people.

9 Places to Explore Japan’s Gaming Culture

Japan is a dream destination for many gamers from all over the world since many games are produced from Japan. Here we listed the places you should go if you love gaming and would like to experience the gaming culture in Japan.
Travel tips

Things To Do In Japan That You Should Not Miss!

Japan is a country rich in traditions, culture, history and nature. To discover all, you will need months or better years! In this article we discuss things you should definitely do while you are in Japan!

10 Ghibli Movie Locations You Can Actually Visit in Japan

There are some places Studio Ghibli got some inspirations for the movie. Here we introduce 10 locations you can actually visit in Japan and also a couple of places all the Ghibli fans should go.